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Cybersecurity Career Paths for College Students: How to Get Started

  Cybersecurity Career Paths for College Students: How to Get Started Introduction Cybersecurity has become a crucial field in today's digital age, where organizations and individuals are constantly at risk of cyber threats. As a college student, exploring career paths in cybersecurity can lead to exciting opportunities and a fulfilling professional journey. In this article, we will delve into the various cybersecurity career paths available to college students and provide valuable insights on how to get started in this rapidly growing industry. Table of Contents Understanding Cybersecurity Why Choose a Cybersecurity Career? Cybersecurity Career Paths 1. Security Analyst 2. Penetration Tester 3. Incident Responder 4. Cryptographer 5. Security Consultant Building the Foundation 1. Pursue a Degree in Cybersecurity 2. Develop Technical Skills 3. Gain Practical Experience 4. Obtain Certifications Networking and Professional Associations Job Opportunities and Industry Trends 1. Governme

What Is Cyberbullying | Methods Used for Cyberbullying | Cypheradda

What Is Cyberbullying | Methods Used for Cyberbullying | Why Do People Do It | Cypheradda

What Is Cyberbullying

Cyberbullying is a form of bullying or harassment using digital or electronic means. Cyberharassment  and cyberbullying are also known as online bullying. It has become increasingly common, especially among teenagers.
Cyberbullying is when someone, specially teens, harass or bully others on the internet, particularly on social media sites. Harmful bullying behavior can include posting rumors,  sexual remarks, threats, a victims' personal information, or pejorative labels (i.e. hate speech).
Bullying  can be identified by repeated behavior and an intent to harm.
Victims may experience lower self-esteem, increased suicidal ideation, and a variety of negative emotional responses, including being angry,scared, depressed, and frustrated.

Why Do People Do It - Cyberbullying ?

Methods Used for Cyberbullying

Why would someone be a cyberbully? There are many reasons to bullies themselves.

what seems like online harassment may be accidental. The impersonal nature of posts, text messages, and other ways of communicating online means it can be hard to figure out if someone is joking or not.

Most people know when they're being bullied, though, because bullying involves threats or repeated insults. The people or person or friend doing the bullying know they've crossed a line, too. It's not a joke or insult — it's constant harassment and threats that go beyond typical fun teasing or a nasty comment made in anger.

Methods used (Methods Used for Cyberbullying)

Cyber bullying

To educate the public, teachers and parents summarize,
"Cyber bullying is being cruel to others by posting or sending harmful material using a smartphone or the internet."
Research and education in the field are ongoing. Research has identified basic definitions and guidelines to help recognize and cope with what is regarded as abuse of electronic communications.

Cyberbullying involves repeated behavior with intent to harm.
Cyberbullying is perpetrated through cyberstalking, harassment, denigration (posting or sending cruel rumors and falsehoods to damage reputation and friendships), impersonation, and exclusion (intentionally and cruelly excluding someone from an online group)

-In social media

There are many risks attached to social media sites, and cyberbullying is one of the larger risks.
One million children were harassed or subjected to other forms of cyberbullying on Facebook during the past year,
Approx. 90 % (percent) of teens using social media witnessed online cruelty say they have ignored mean behavior on social media, and 35% (percent) have done so frequently.
95% (percent) of social-media-using teens who have witnessed cruel behavior on social networking sites say they have seen others ignoring the mean behavior, and 55% (percent) have witnessed this frequently.

-In gaming

Gaming was a more common venue for men where they experience harassment, whereas women's harassment tended to occur via social media
Sexual harassment in gaming usually involves slurs directed towards girls, sex role stereotyping, and overaggressive language

-In search engines

Information cascades happen once users begin passing on data they assume to be true, however cannot grasp to be true, supported data on what alternative users do.
This can be accelerated by search engines' ranking technologies and their tendency to come back results relevant to a user's previous interests.
This type of knowledge spreading is tough to prevent.
Information  over social media and the Internet may also be harmless, and may contain truthful information.

Signs of Cyberbullying

Signs of Cyberbullying
Many teens and kids who are cyberbullied don't want to tell a parent or teacher, often because they feel ashamed of the social stigma or fear that their computer privileges will be taken away at home.

Signs of cyberbullying vary, but may include:

  • If he/she withdrawal from family members, friends, and activities
  • If he/she avoiding school or group gatherings
  • If he/she slipping grades and "acting out" in anger at home
  • If he/she being emotionally upset during or after using the Internet or the phone
  • If he/she being very secretive or protective of one's digital life
  • If he/she changes in mood, behavior, sleep, or appetite
  • If he/she wanting to stop using the computer or cellphone
  • If he/she being nervous or jumpy when getting an instant message, text, or email
  • If he/she avoiding discussions about computer or cellphone activities

What Can I Do About Cyberbullying?

Sometimes, people are not sure or afraid if they're being bullied or note. So they don't do anything about it. If you're being bullied, harassed, or teased in a hurtful way — or know someone who is — you don't have to suffer in silence. In fact, you absolutely should report any upsetting  posts, texts, messages, or emails.
Stop bullying

Tell someone 

Most experts agree and suggest: The first thing to do is tell an adult you trust. This is often easier said than done. People who are cyberbullied may feel embarrassed or shy to report a bully. Some are hesitating because they're not 100% sure who is doing the bullying. But bullying can get worse by time, so speak up until you find someone to help. Sometimes police can track or track down an anonymous online bully, so it's often worthwhile to report it.

Parents(Most) are so concerned about protecting their kids that sometimes they focus on taking major steps to stop the bullying. If you're being bullied and worry about losing your computer privileges or phone ,explain your fears to your parents. Let them know how important and necessary it is to stay connected, and work with them to figure out a solution that doesn't leave you feeling punished. You may have to do something on safe phone or computer use — the first thing is to get the bullying under control.

You also can talk to your school  teacher ,counselor or family member. If the bullying feels like if it's affecting your sleep or concentration, therapy can help. If you're not ready for that, Take benefit from the support of a trusted adult.

Walk away

Ignoring bullies is the best way to take away their power, but maximum time its not easy to do — in the real world or online.

If you see something disappointing , try to step away from the laptop/computer or turn off your phone for a while. Don't respond or reply, and never forward or share the message to someone else. Find something to distract yourself from what's going on. Do something you love that doesn't give you time to think about what's happening, like playing the guitar, going for a run, or losing yourself in a book or movie. You can also do chat with a parent or sibling or friend or play with a pet.

Taking a break like this allows you to keep focus on the good things in your life. It also gives you time to find out how you want to handle things or situations.

Report bullying 

Social media sites take it seriously when people post cruel/bad or creepy or mean stuff or set up fake accounts. If users report abuse, the site administrator may block the bully from using the site in the future and remove it from group. If someone sends you mean texts or emails, report it to phone service or email providers (such as Comcast, Google, and Verizon).

Block the bully

Most devices have settings that let you digitally block the bully or bullies from sending notes or message. If you don't know how to do this, ask a friend or take suggestion from adult who does.

Be safe online

Password protect your smartphone and your online sites,or social media accounts, and change your passwords regularly. Be sure to share your passwords only with your parent or guardian.
It's also wise to think twice or thrice before sharing photos/videos or personal information that you don't want the world to see. Once you've posted a message or photo or video, it can be impossible to delete. So remind yourself to be cautious when responding to someone's upsetting message or posting photos,video online.

If a Friend Is a Bully 

If a Friend Is a Bully

If you know of a friend who is acting as a cyberbully, take him or her aside and talk about it because it is necessary. Without putting your friend down, stand up for your own principles and handle them: Let the bully know it's not OK.

Explain to your friend that bullying can have serious/dangerous consequences: for the bully, for those being bullied, and even for bystanders like you and your friends.

What Is Cyber bullying | Methods Used for Cyber bullying | Cypheradda
Cyber bullying | Cyberbullying | Cyber_bullying | cyberharassment 

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Top 6 cyber security tips for college students:

Author:- CypherAdda


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