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Cybersecurity Career Paths for College Students: How to Get Started

  Cybersecurity Career Paths for College Students: How to Get Started Introduction Cybersecurity has become a crucial field in today's digital age, where organizations and individuals are constantly at risk of cyber threats. As a college student, exploring career paths in cybersecurity can lead to exciting opportunities and a fulfilling professional journey. In this article, we will delve into the various cybersecurity career paths available to college students and provide valuable insights on how to get started in this rapidly growing industry. Table of Contents Understanding Cybersecurity Why Choose a Cybersecurity Career? Cybersecurity Career Paths 1. Security Analyst 2. Penetration Tester 3. Incident Responder 4. Cryptographer 5. Security Consultant Building the Foundation 1. Pursue a Degree in Cybersecurity 2. Develop Technical Skills 3. Gain Practical Experience 4. Obtain Certifications Networking and Professional Associations Job Opportunities and Industry Trends 1. Governme...

Ransomware: Top Five Ransomware attacks(2 min read)


5 Most Dangerous Ransomware (2 minutes read)

Ransomware Warning

Major types of Ransomware:

  • Crypto Ransomware – Encrypts valuable or important files on a computer so that the user cannot access them.
  • Locker Ransomware – Locks the user files and prevents access to data and files available      on the PC.

Top Five Ransomware attacks:

1.  WannaCry: It encrypts files on the PC’s hard drive after attacking a windows computer and makes it inaccessible for the user. To decrypt the files attacker demands a ransom payment in bitcoin. (Bitcoin- so as no one can trace where the money is going).

2.  Bad Rabbit: It spreads through ‘drive -by’ method, which means a user visits a authentic/ legitimate website, unaware of the fact that they have been compromised by a hacker. 

3.   Petya: It encrypts the victim’s entire hard drive and it does this by encrypting the Master File Table (MFT) thus making it impossible to access files on the disk. Basically, it spreads through HR departments (viz. through fake email of job application with an infected dropbox link.

4.  Jigsaw: It encrypts computer files and gradually/ slowly deletes them unless a ransom (payment) is paid to decrypt the files. It was designed to spread through malicious attachments in spam emails and gets activated when a user downloads the malware programme which encrypts the user files.

5.  Troldesh: Spread via spam emails which contained infected links or attachments. The most interesting thing about this is that, attackers communicated with victims directly over email to demand ransoms. Cyber criminal even negotiated for victims who they built a rapport with, which rarely happens. 

 For more articles or blogs please contact cypheradda@gmail.com

TAGS: Secure Your Smartphone,Secure Phone, Hackers, Smartphone Protection, Protect Phone, cypheradda, secure, cyber security tips for all



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